====== thomasr.me ====== Registered with Porkbun, renews 18th Feb. Main Site and some projects/professional stuff - eg cv.thomasr.me, github-pages.thomasr.me ===== Page Rules ===== *thomasr.me/.well-known* SSL: Off *archive.thomasr.me/* Security Level: I'm Under Attack https://thomasr.me/assets/* Browser Cache TTL: 8 hours, Cache Level: Cache Everything, Edge Cache TTL: 4 hours ===== Redirect Rules ===== solcol.thomasr.me -> https://github.com/tomatsolihull (http.host eq "solcol.thomasr.me" and http.request.uri.path eq "/") port.thomasr.me -> https://github.com/tomatport (http.host eq "port.thomasr.me" and http.request.uri.path eq "/") Static 302 No Preseve Q String photos.thomasr.me -> /flickr Static 301 Preserve Q String (http.host eq "github-pages.thomasr.me" and http.request.uri.path eq "/") Static 302 https://thomasr.me/things/ No Preserve ===== Subdomains ===== FIXME